Privacy Statement.

We handle your personal data confidentially

Uniglobe Travel Holland Privacy Statement

Uniglobe Alliance Travel complies with the relevant legislation for the protection of personal data as applicable in the Netherlands and the European Union. We are responsible for the development, implementation, and enforcement of the policy. This includes, among other things, the following legal frameworks:

  • European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Implementation Act General Data Protection Regulation

Therefore, personal data is carefully processed and secured by us. We handle your (personal) data with care. In this privacy statement, we explain what personal data we process and for what purpose you can provide your personal data to us. If you have any questions or comments following this statement, you can contact: Uniglobe Alliance Travel –

What are “personal data”

The personal information we deal with in this privacy statement is the private information of individuals, such as birthdates, passport numbers, travel dates and destinations, health information, travel and meal preferences, frequent flyer and other membership numbers, personal postal and email addresses, and financial information related to personal credit cards, bank accounts, and other payment methods. Personal information does not include a person’s name, title, business address, business phone, fax, or mobile phone numbers.

Why do we collect and use your personal data?

We ensure that personal data is only collected and processed for specific, explicitly described, and justified purposes. Personal data is only processed with a lawful basis.

We collect relevant personal information when you ask us for information or travel-related services (such as air, ground, and sea transportation, hotels and other accommodations, tours, meals, services, and insurance products) sold or reserved through us (the “travel services”). We use the personal information to provide you with the requested information or travel services and for a number of additional purposes. In particular, your personal data can be used for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with travel-related information through personalized communication, regular newsletters, or travel alerts, now and in the future;
  • to identify you and your preferences;
  • respond to travel requests you submit;
  • make air, hotel, car, tour, and other reservations on your behalf;
  • arrange travel insurance on your behalf;
  • obtain credit card or other financial approval for payment;
  • collect statistics and conduct market research;
  • prepare reports for the providers of your travel services and for regulatory and industry organizations;
  • compile business reports for your employer regarding travel destinations, costs, service classes, hotels used, length of stay, car rental companies, and the duration of the rental;
  • comply with the law;
  • for purposes related to the above.

If you do not wish to use our services or wish to limit their use, you can withdraw your consent. You can do this by sending an email with the subject “withdrawal of consent” to our general email address

The personal data you provide will only be used for the purposes mentioned above and shared with the individuals within our organization who need to be aware of your personal data to serve you properly. In addition, we take the following measures to minimize the risk of personal data loss:

  • All persons who may have access to your data on behalf of Uniglobe Alliance Travel are bound by a duty of confidentiality;
  • We have a username and password policy on all our systems (two-step verification to log onto the network);
  • We back up personal data to recover it in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
  • Our employees are informed about the importance of personal data protection.

How do we collect your personal data?

The following are the sources we can use to collect personal information. We will only use data that is necessary for the identified purposes. We may collect information from you when you request information about booking travel services, either verbally or in writing;

  • from your employer, employee, or authorized representative when that person seeks information or travel services on your behalf or otherwise represents you;
  • from personal travel profiles you have completed;
  • from our records of previous requests or reservations you have made;
  • from the reservation systems used to make your current or past reservations;
  • from credit card providers or other consumer information agencies;
  • from airlines or other travel service providers at any time

With whom do we share your data?

We act as the agent or intermediary for or with respect to the providers (‘the suppliers’) of travel services. Accordingly, personal data relevant to the sole purpose of providing your travel services will be disclosed to the suppliers applicable to the respective travel.

The responsibility for the personal information you provided to us remains under our control, including personal information transferred to suppliers. We have entered into a data processing agreement with all these third parties, or a privacy statement applies.

How do we protect your personal information?

Financial and other sensitive personal information is stored by us in a secure environment using physical measures such as after-hours secured filing cabinets, alarm systems, and, in the case of electronic data, databases secured with passwords. Third parties to whom such information is transferred are also required to protect your personal information in accordance with the law.

How long do we retain your personal data?

Your personal data is only retained as long as we need it to provide you with information, travel services, and other services, and for a reasonable time thereafter to meet a specific purpose or other legal or business purpose.

When your personal data is no longer needed, it will be destroyed or returned.

Access to your personal data

You have the right to access the personal information we hold or control. You also have the right to know the names of suppliers or other third parties to whom personal information has been provided.

Access may be subject to legal restrictions, and in particular, we may be required or have the right to refuse your request, among other things, if it is necessary for:

  1. National defense;
  2. public security;
  3. preventing, investigating, detecting, and prosecuting crimes or the execution of penalties, including protecting against and preventing dangers to public security;
  4. other important public interests of the Union or of a Member State, in particular an important economic or financial interest of the Union or of a Member State, including monetary, budgetary, and fiscal matters, public health and social security;
  5. protection of the independence of the judiciary and judicial proceedings;
  6. preventing, investigating, detecting, and prosecuting violations of codes of conduct for regulated professions;
  7. a task relating to the area of oversight, inspection, or regulation that is related, even if only occasionally, to the exercise of public authority in points 1 to 5 and point 7;
  8. protecting the data subject or the rights and freedoms of others;
  9. collection of civil claims.

Requesting access

Requests for access to personal information must be submitted in writing to the address below. The request must contain enough information to allow us to identify you and specify the specific information sought. We will try to respond to your request as soon as possible, but we may require you to provide additional information about your identity, the right to receive the requested information, or more details about the requested information. We may also charge you a reasonable fee for providing access to your personal data, in which case we will inform you of the estimated costs. You can request a deposit to cover these costs before proceeding.

Accuracy and limitations of our responsibility

From time to time, we may update the personal data we have on file for you. However, we rely on you to inform us of relevant changes or errors in your personal data and are not responsible for the use of your personal data beyond our reasonable control.


If you have a complaint regarding this privacy protection policy or any of our procedures, please contact us. If your complaint is justified, we will take reasonable steps to address the issue, including possibly amending our privacy policy or procedures.

We make every effort to implement this policy properly. If you still find that this privacy statement is not or is insufficiently being observed in practice, you can file a complaint with us through our Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer at Uniglobe Alliance Travel is:

Name: W. Masoud


Phone: 088-2023000

Postal address: Maastoren – Wilhelminakade 91 – 3072 AP – Rotterdam

Dutch Data Protection Authority

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority at

Contacting us

For more information about our privacy protection policy, to file a complaint, to make a request, or to opt out of (part of) the privacy protection policy, you can contact us at

In processing your (personal data), we take into account the following principles:

Data Minimization

We process only the personal data that is minimally necessary for the predetermined purpose. We do this on a “need to know” basis and strive for minimal data processing. We secure your data by providing access to your personal data only to those individuals who are actually working on your request when performing a service. Where possible, fewer or no personal data are processed.

Integrity and Confidentiality

Your personal data is only processed by individuals with a duty of confidentiality and for the purpose for which this data was collected. Specific privacy requirements apply to our employees and freelancers for the security of your personal data. They must sign a confidentiality agreement before starting employment or entering into a contract.

Employees and freelancers are also obligated to report any loss of personal data as soon as possible.

Your Rights under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Through the “form for data subjects,” you can exercise your rights as a data subject under the GDPR. Under the GDPR, you have the following rights:

  • right of access to your personal data;
  • right to erasure;
  • right to rectification or limited use of the collected and processed data;
  • right to data portability.

We will handle your requests within the legal timeframe and use legal possibilities to grant or deny your request(s). If we reject your request, we will provide a justification.

Loss of Your Personal Data

We have taken measures to minimize (possible) loss of personal data, a data breach. If, despite all measures taken, a data breach occurs in which your personal data is lost and severe damage to your personal privacy is expected, we will immediately inform you.


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When these web pages are visited, the following data is automatically stored and processed in a log for the purpose of providing the service: date and time of page call, URL of the call, user agent of the browser used, success or failure of the call (call status), size of received and sent data, runtime.

Processing this data is necessary for technical reasons to make the service available; the data can also be used to compile internal system and usage statistics. However, this does not involve data that can be traced back to specific individuals. If statistics are compiled to shape the web pages according to users’ preferences, pseudonyms are used for this purpose.

During visits to these web pages, cookies are occasionally used. Cookies are stored in your browser to improve the quality of the service. The cookies used are so-called “session cookies,” which lose their validity automatically after you close your browser and are deleted depending on the method set in your browser. However, you can prevent the use of cookies in general by setting this in your browser. However, this can limit the functionality of the web pages.

Change in Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to change this privacy statement. If the privacy statement has changed since your last visit, you will receive a notification when you visit our website.

In the event of a dispute, the most recent privacy statement published on our website will be used.

Uniglobe Alliance Travel

Rotterdam, Arnhem, Goes

May 25, 2018

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