Shopping at Schiphol for the male business traveler

As business traveler You may find yourself at Schiphol Airport and other airports frequently. The range of stores at Schiphol Airport can come in handy. For example, when you have forgotten something, or when something has just broken. But what if you spilled coffee on your shirt while waiting for your flight? Even though you have to go to a meeting immediately after arriving at your destination? Below are the most useful stores at Schiphol that can come in handy for the male business traveler.

Shoppen op Schiphol voor de mannelijke zakenreiziger

Shopping at Schiphol Airport for the business traveler - Electronics

Electronics is a store with gadgets and electronics. Besides the fact that gadgets & electronics stores are in the top 3 favorite stores for men, it can also be very useful to purchase things. For example, when you forgot your charger for your phone or your laptop. Even a charger for your shaver, for example, is available here. You can find this store both for as after security visits.

Shoppen op Schiphol voor de mannelijke zakenreiziger

Shopping at Schiphol Airport for the business traveler - Airport Telecom Shop

As a (business) traveler, it is very important that you always accessible are and can be online. Often work goes on while you are waiting for your flight. Or maybe there are certain important things you still want to take care of before you take off. At this store, they know all about this. They make sure your smartphone and laptop always stay connected to your network. They even sell SIM cards for different countries around the world. This way you can be reached on a local number immediately after arriving at your destination. In case your phone's screen broke, you can have it repaired here. Very convenient. The Airport Telecom shop is located for the security.

Additional Tip: Purchase a MiFi router for travel. This is a mobile WiFi router that works based on a SIM card. The SIM card connects to the network on location. Do buy a local SIM card with a data bundle in advance or on location. Then connect to the Internet easily by selecting the router's WiFi signal on a smartphone or laptop.

Shopping at Schiphol Airport for the business traveler - News & Books

Need some reading material on the go? Then you can go to News & Books. They have not only good and interesting books but also different kinds of newspapers and other informative magazines. You can find this shop after the security.

Shoppen op Schiphol voor de mannelijke zakenreiziger

Shopping at Schiphol Airport for the business traveler - Hugo Boss

Traveling in style? Then visit the Hugo Boss Store at Schiphol Airport. You can go there for a casual outfit, but certainly also for a nice and stylish shirt or suit. This store can come in handy when you have not packed enough clothes. Or when you want to change your outfit because the weather on location is different than expected. Hugo Boss can be found after the security.

Shoppen op Schiphol voor de mannelijke zakenreiziger

Shopping at Schiphol Airport for the business traveler - Suit Supply

Suit Supply is known for beautiful tailored suits at competitive prices. Nowadays you can find these stores not only in big cities, but they also play very much into the business traveler. Thus, you can now find the retail chain along highways and also at Schiphol Airport. If you have some time to spare, you can have a nice suit fitted before you travel and pick it up after your trip (depending on your travel time, of course). For security you can shop at Suit Supply at Schiphol Airport.

Shoppen op Schiphol voor de mannelijke zakenreiziger

Shopping at Schiphol Airport for the business traveler - Perfumes & Cosmetics

After security you often automatically walk past the Perfumes & Cosmetics store. A store that really should not be missed in this list. Imagine you forgot your toothbrush? Or you want to treat yourself to your favorite perfume or a delicious cream with a vitamin boost that camouflages the fatigue of the flight. It's all possible here. Even if you want to bring a nice souvenir for your business partner abroad, this is the place to be. As in this blog for example, it is customary to bring a nice little Dutch gift for your relations in Dubai.

Shoppen op Schiphol voor de mannelijke zakenreiziger

Alkmaar office (AFAS Stadium AZ)

Goes office

Arnhem office

Almere Office

Rotterdam office