Meet the Team: Charles van Zetten

Charles van Zetten - Travel Technology Specialist

What is your personal motto?

Just act normal, you'll be crazy enough.

What is the most unique thing you have experienced/done while working?

Never a dull moment in the travel business. In all the years I've had the opportunity to take plenty of fun trips. Which one did I remember best? A survival weekend in the Ardennes with colleagues, where we did some challenging activities.

What do you get the most energy from in your work?

When we manage to bring a difficult challenge to a successful conclusion and thereby surprise the client. Especially when this involves thinking out-of-the-box.

What is your ultimate travel tip for business travelers?

Prepare well to travel as hassle-free and safe as possible. Also consider installing and updating the many useful (travel) apps on your phone that can help you do this.

Alkmaar office (AFAS Stadium AZ)

Goes office

Arnhem office

Almere Office

Rotterdam office